Should this be covered by the warranty?
Learning Brazilian Portuguese - other important words beyond ficar and jeitinho that I wont learn on pimsleur
A picture I took of the biggest waterfall in the world!
This beauty that I came across in Brazil
Uma mariposa botou ovos na caixa da lâmpada da minha sala. O que eu faço?
my little sous chef
The last steak from the half cow
Pizza I received last night
Sitting on a coworkers desk for months. We don’t know what type of seed this is.
The way all of this “milk” fits in the tiny pink cap
Generally shoot for medium. What would we call this?
Best steak I’ve made. Reverse seared without a thermometer (mine broke). 22 mins each size. 1 min per side in the pan. Was nuts.
A skull of a man with Proteus syndrome, a rare condition characterized by overgrowth of bones, skin, muscles, fatty tissues, and blood and lymphatic vessels.
6/10 for the lack of sear on the filet side
Anybody here like flank?
Tried to add some oil to my 2009 highlander at got this when I pulled off the cap.
Adopting a 3 legged kitten and he needs a great name. Missing his back right leg.
What do we think of these porterhouses?
From the half cow. What do we think?
This store sells Miralax in the toilet paper aisle
Crustacean claw shaped tater
This potato shaped like a crustaceans claw
Looking a little old but could they be oysters?
The height of this apple pie before being cooked.
What could this be??