First Marathon. Scheming the next.
Gels and heart rate
Trump Vows to Eliminate GS-13 Gangs Controlling DC Region
How do I not feel like sh** the rest of the day?
Have I completely ruined a key training run by needing to poop three times?
IT band setback
4wd or rwd
Should I be okay?
Open registration for marathons?
What workouts do you count towards weekly mileage?
Just how "tough" are F-150's built?
Do you wear underwear under your swimming trunks?
Winter babies have it tough
I got the trail runner trap set. What should we use for bait?
Vacation marathons
Failed 20 mile run 3 weeks away away from first marathon
Chief announces new video series replacing all-employee calls... No word on probationary employees' fates
New Executive Order Forcing Federal Workers to Buy New Teslas or Be Fired.
How to deal with harder days
High mileage F150 5.0
If money wasn't an issue, would you put child in daycare or free childcare with grandparents?
How to sell the wife on a popup…
There has to be something fucking wrong
Long run question
We moved our 7wk old to her crib and have no regrets!