V's love language
A thank you to Zeal, and a (short) message to the community
what creature from Sabnautica pisses you off the most? I personally am pissed off by the Reapers in Dunes, with whom I literally waged war for Titanium
... What?
Why did some Fans decided to make V scared of Dinosaurs? (Old Post)
J betrays V
Same shit, different day
Who do you like more?
Choose your treasure
Give me reason to never quit.
I just thought something when it snows really hard or just snows In general I'll just say "it's Copper Nine outside." What you think?
Literally everyone on this Subreddit
[Babysitting Cyn] Part 15: Closure
little study from last night
Immortal-Emper0r's Daily Life
he's not surviving this one
What is your favorite Creature in the game (besides the reaper Leviathan)
Who is this character? (Wrong answers only) 2
Well this got interesting.
Images aren't related to each other.... Just felt silly today
Since hell is sentient
Don't cry little buffalo. You are doing your part in this war.
“I like the kind of woman that will actually just kill me”