Beginner here: Looking for Tips on Color Grading
GIVEAWAY! Premium Upgrade Voucher
Thoughts on filmmaker master bundle?
Alternatives to "deemix"???
Captain America Brave New world tickets are up now
What kind of color correction should I make?
Did Bobby and Andrew prove that Morgan Jay isn't special? Or am I wrong?
Got my first camera yesterday
Help with lagging issues (Beginner here)
Lagging Issues
What are your favorite daily fast food deals?
The baby just arrived(finally)
A full guide to syncing local files on Spotify
Wrestlers you've seen before they made it to the big stage
First Nightclub Shoot – Need Tips for Filming in Low Light with iPhone 15 Pro Max
Best waiver pick up so far?
Winnipeg driver charged after pointing pistol at another vehicle
Where's all my cheese Galen?
PSA: Assiniboine Park will be closed to vehicle traffic during Comedy events this weekend, Paid Parking in place
Simulation Training
Karen harasses an Uber Eats driver because of his scarf and follows him to the streets with her car after delivery.
Anyone missing their crack pipe? You left it at Tims on Graham
I Don't Understand Why Not him