Does Ryuga respect King because he gave him a good fight or hate him completely because of left rotation?
Why people say that Ryuga lost because of the plot?
Which duo wins?
Which DJ you liked the most if we don't count American one and Japanese one (because they would be, I am sure, obviously answers)?
Can these 3 solo their opponents?
Make meme from this
Masamune is not a fraud
This lil mf kenta was benching 300 pounds for a bey battle this mf did it 4 the love of the game 🤣💔🙏🏾.
What was the point of right rotation of these 2? Did right rotation gave some benefits?
Do y’all know a way to fix this ?
Beyblade AURA Tournament Final Four: Ryuga vs Kyoya / King vs Nile (Who has more Aura?)
Probably the most wanted fight in all Metal Saga
How tall are Gormiti? Are they like human size or bigger? Asking for Final Evolution and prequels.
Opinions on this avatar?
Who would win in Metal Masters?
Video Games Are For Losers
Had this fight occured at the END of Masters, which Duo would’ve won
Beyblade AURA Tournament Round 2: Chris vs Kyoya / Nile vs King (Who has more Aura?)
How mad do you think Ryuga was when he found out king was legendary blader?
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In my opinion, this fight was mid. They made Gingka act like a complete idiot in this whole season. Why?
gang gang galaxy was weakened or nerfed in metal masters
Who comes out on top? King or Chris?
Can someone explain Chris’ special move?
I’m Not One For Shipping Content But The Question Has To Be Asked. Do You Guys Think Madoka Likes Gingka?