Peeing vs water breaking
I'm scared to do insulin
Worried that I have GD, OB not taking me seriously
36w5d – Sudden BP Spike, L&D Didn’t Give Clear Guidance. Should We Go In?
Has anyone NOT had morning sickness? What gender are you having?
Are you being induced?
First ultrasound
Will switching formulas be okay for baby?
Mining in Timmins
What trimester are you in?
32+4 and I’m over it
What is to much weight gain?
I’m hurting
When did your bump come in?
Braxton Hicks?
I’m 7weeks today, no morning sickness, when did it start for everyone?
When is your due date?
Will I have more energy after I give birth?
Failed my glucose test
Itchy skin down there
I am terrified of giving birth
Escape manor