It's been over 8 months since this banger of a series took place. Looking back now, what are your thoughts on it?
HLE snatches #1 spot from T1 in the official LoL Esports Global Power Rankings.
[Sheep Esports] Kamyk reaches verbal agreement with Gentle Mates, RobbieBk moves to the team's inactive roster
French Twitter keeps saying RobbieBK is out for Kamyk, but did any credible leaker say it?
PSA: VCT CN Stage 1 begins in less than 10 hours
NINJA most likely being promoted from TLA
An end to one of the most iconic username-org tag combos
Aspas has a big question for Verno before he can join MIBR
Gentlemates Roster: Seikoo staying, one of Juicy/Radosin out, Yujin main candidate
Challengers in EMEA feedback form
The Blow it up bowl. Haven’t been this hyped about a match in a while.
Tier 1 VCT contracts end after 2026. Which orgs would you want to add, keep, or remove in each league?
Which is best for the brand "YELE"
SAM 1v1 Open Top 8 Bracket + GSL Results
Afro Vs Cobra - EU Elite Stats
F1 26 is surely gonna turn out just great
Predictions for today’s matches?
Map playsides (Masters)
RLCS Glicko Top 10 - Post Open 3
Predictions for today? EMEA Challengers Day 2
The Ultimates sweep the top 3 Ratings for NA Open 3 - as Lj picks up the MVP.
Current CDL 2025 Standings (Post Minor II)
Minor II Viwership Breakdown
My Idea to improve on the GSL Bracket by changing the "seeding match" to a qualifying match and adding one additional match to make top 8 or top 6. Spoiler for NA Day 4 in picture 3 & 4.
Firstkiller is the NA Split 1 MVP !