I present you with the worst customer service in Boston: Table Boston
The post of Torie and Stacy. I know I'm in the minority with this one. I'm not being all woke saying it demeans women. But it's just so sad. I remember Bret even saying it doesn't belong in wrestling.
Corey Graves is better than Pat McAfee on Raw.
What yall think of this mock?
The match that made Vince give up on Tazz according to former head writer.
What is some of the worst WrestleMania results of all-time?
I keep forgetting how funny lost is, what are your favourite moments?
Twix going all in with the stereotypes
Rachel Zegler Says Ariana Grande 'Reached Out to Me' to Offer Support Ahead of Snow White's Release: 'She Is So Deeply Kind'
I tried Google, Baseball Reference & even the ai overlords. Does anyone know where I can find the info of who was the last player left in the MLB who debuted in each decade?
What is the most insane conspiracy theory you’ve heard that is related to WWE?
Who else thinks Seth’s gimmick is getting a little stale
At what point did Vince stop looking like a human being?
'Lite' beer is fucking gross and is undrinkable, and I don't really understand how someone can just sit there and drink 6 or 7 of them in a row in order to get drunk when they taste as bad as they do.
Why are people hating on the John Cena promo?
The Spear sucks
Worst Wrestling T Shirts/Merch?
The uncensored rise of Barstool's Dave Portnoy... brushing off kinky sex tape and cuckolding humiliation to build audacious brand
Jey did 2 moves after 400 minutes of entrance and botched both... Truly the main event jey
thoughts on cena’s promo?
The last of us is at best a mediocre game
Prove me wrong but Jacob was kind of a douche!
Spear so bad Michael Cole thought it was a crossbody😭😭
New Menu Items for the 2025 MLB Season