would that make this ship any less toxic?
Coaxed into people hating renewables (especially wind and solar) for no reason when nuclear power is mentioned.
coaxed into following the fad of posting actual snafus here
sting operation
Coaxed into snafu vs smuggies
The female roast experience
coaxed into fake tolerance
“We won’t allow you to play the video until you turn off ad blocker”
Coaxed into tropes i hate with my soul
I don't get why Adrien is called "blind" for this.
That one episode in many cartoons
Coaxed into stories
Coaxed into a loving friendship
I made concept art of different styles of sitelen pona!
coaxed into not liking anything
Coaxed into smuggie on this subreddit I'm tired of.
coaxed into generalizing
Coaxed into minority language activists
Coaxed into civilization
Coaxed into being just a teensy bit racist
Coaxed into... what??
Was Mettle ever even a thing?
Coaxed into true smartness
Coaxing the snafu (the snafu coaxes you back..)
Woe is I: Friends like these