Mare Cognitum - Antaresian
Learn programming through making MIDI player?
Is anyone learning Japanese NOT because of anime?
Bloody Tyrant 暴君 - 劍士皆亡 Kenshi Subete Heyru
Best Haircare Products in Japan for Dry Hair & Dandruff?
Difficulty learning instruments
Burned out?
Megadeath Yothanasia full album
Pathfinder - The Lord Of Wolves
Sharing my experience about integrating into foreign society
I don't get it
Just look at Devin Townsend's vocal
Panic attacks from raising dosage of concerta?
Late-diagnosed AuDHDers, what changed for you when you started ADHD meds?
Sonata Arctica is coming to Japan??
What metal genre are you into?/何メタルのジャンルを好き?
Your first experience with heavy music
What to do during panic attack on public?
Looking for metalhead or metal lover friends
Trying a New Way to Process My Thoughts (and It’s Already Helping)
Favorite female power metal singer? I need more kickass lady leads to listen to
How to meet new friends/知り合いになる
Taiwanese band Bloody Tyrant
Congratz to the journey of this cool subreddit
High porosity girlies, what is your routine?