What games have you been playing this week?
Butters wants your soul
when God requests peak
is Metroid Prime Remastered a good game?
How would you rate this? Either an opinion or 1-10
If you could eat one candy that never runs out, you can’t get sick of it and not gain a single pound. What would it be?
oh hey mom and dad
Dusted of the old collection. What game is a must play?
Just switch gameplay lengths, and we're good.
Big paws and big jaws
The Peak of Zombies 🧟
A ridiculous score.
what are your favorite games of all time?
Rate the loadout
favorite games of all time
Resident Evil 4 Customizable Inventory
Which friend has the best & worst jrpg taste?
where does this rank in the franchise for you?
Bro’s definitely a Sith Lord and pulling all the strings
Some physical games I own, (I own sekiro and ds1,ds2, ds3 digitally on Xbox ) I might have a problem
Conked out
What's the most you'd spend on a pint ?
rate my library!!
All finished >:)