France was amazing (and the tailfin worth it) [~1000km]
new bike commuting shoes = rain day :(
Custom Smartwatch design to don't forget
Com demanar que em parlin en català a la feina?
Any idea how to get it off?
Why did Griffith want wings?
Thread storage
Who wants to join? Starting in August 2025
Hired Two Designers for My Side Project Logo. Thoughts?
Opinion? :)
Early doctor visit:)
The Pixels on my 2d art become distorted whenever I try to export them from illustrator. How do I fix?
Soo my friends and I did this in my kitchen.
What type of drill? Wood or metal ? Is there something especial ? Hi-reps or low reps?
New to adobe but I need help
Scattergories logo appreciation
Someone knows the font or fonts of the books?
Hi torna a haver una estelada al Canigó, gràcies al meu pare.
What tools and settings are best for starting out in Illustrator?
I have made a lightweight MAM
Mobile players still on flush phase
unspoken about advice for a beginner bike packer?
Bikepacking from Portugal to Italy
morfeo tipe shit
I was told to be careful when using spectral cards....