How is this thing not an Elder Dragon?
Linus Tech Tips - Why Is Everyone Buying this Laptop? March 19, 2025 at 10:09AM
In your opinion which is the strongest Non-Elder Dragon Monster of each Element?
[TDM] Tarkir: Dragonstorm Mechanics
Did you name your Seikret? If so, what did you name it and why?
Shower thought: what if Capcom re-released MHGU on PC and console?
Why do so many Korra haters still act like she is the same as season 1 and 2? Its like they completely forget her development and deny it happened.
Do core monster hunter mechanics & systems even matter anymore?
Every single new release. Also, empty template for y'all.
Ranking elder dragons by power (spur of the moment idea)
Corrupted mantle is boring and makes most weapons boring to use.
The diverse and varied endgame of wilds be like
I make a thing
Really love the game, but am really feeling a lack of endgame monsters?
Anyone else hoping the artisan weapons aren't expanded on and become the Kulve Terroth of Wilds?
MH:Wilds Doesn't Have a Content Problem
I hate how I can't use the abbreviation of Switch Axe
Casters and healers aren't the same thing
Fantasy gear? In Final Fantasy XIV? ABSURD! (7.2 Tomestone gear)
Heeeeere’s competition!
[Day 9] What Elder Dragon is hated by the Fans ?
What’s your favorite Dragon?
Spirit Dragons are not in the story besides the Play in the first Story.
[Day 8] What High Rank Monster is hated by the fans ?