What small, ridiculous thing makes you irrationally angry??
What does it feel like to have endometriosis?
How do you like being pampered on your period?
What’s something uniquely Canadian that would confuse anyone else!
Is it true that most people want to have a partner that is out of their league looks wise but have to settle for what their own looks allows them to have?
Do Canadians eat a lot of maple Syrup? Do you guys put it on everything?
Do your emotions get all crazy with the period?
Men of reddit (How do you feel about periods?)
What personality trait are you most attracted to?
Is it bad that I cant stop flirting with other people? Do I have a problem?
If you are with one of the big three phone providers in Canada(Bell, Rogers and Telus), why?
Are you comfortable eating in a restaurant alone?
What are things you can’t stand the smell of?
What are you starting to dislike more and more the older you get?
Why are some women scared to use tampons?
How do I, a short man, hug a tall woman?
Is this guy (23) weird for wanting to date my friend (16)?
What do I do? Is this normal?
Is it abnormal if a teen and their parent have a good or close relationship?
Why do girls go to the restroom together?
Whats with peoples obsession with chick fil a
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
(Men) What are some nonsexual things women do that you find hot?
Is it normal for a friend to expect you to text back 4 times a day
How old were you when you got your period? How old were you when you started wearing tampons?