Attention ravers in Vancouver, Seattle, Victoria or elsewhere:
fiction published before 2001
What is my rating ?
How’s the movie “A ghost Story”?
One of my fav things about raves is being able to do bonkers makeup. Here’s some recent looks from events I’ve gone to!
I feel like a fraud
Before and after! Eight months, 50 lbs; 26” vs 20” corset (natural waist 33” vs 24.5”)
Is it possible?
Is it really worth it if for every $100 you earn during lives, TikTok take $70 and then you have to pay probably a 5% transaction fee to send it to your bank so now you ended up with $25.
Found this Giant amethyst at a garage sale for 50 bucks the dude had no cell phone or computer and said his Uncle mined it 10 years ago. I asked him if he had any vintage clothing and he came out with this. Looks like something out of a movie.
Totally empty parking lot. You know I had to.
It was such a perfect autumnal day yesterday in my hometown.
Need opinions on my outfit please!
Blessed to see 35 happy birthday to me
i want bangs, but unsure of what style would compliment my face:) f26
Different shots of the Sophia Loren, Jayne Mansfiel encounter in 1957
saw someone asked to be drawn anime style & i wanted to participate :) i wasn’t sure on what photo to choose, pls & ty! <3