Infected or irritated?
Kinda regret these
Fatfish said new vet toy soon, what do you guys hope to get? I'll start
Post-it note got wet and left this on our stone bathroom countertop. Help!!!
Just got this done today. How pissed should I be? Is it salvageable?
Should I add colour?
I have 1000+ hours in Inquisition and TIL…
I find very laughable how a single talent from Zealot almost entirely invalidates a whole Ogryn keystone.
[DAV Act 1 Spoilers] New Rook. Found as a baby in Tevinter. Birth mum presumed died in childbirth having fled the Fifth Blight, the note found with her called her Jordana, said her dad was 'some soldier who'd run off to join the Grey Wardens'.
[No DAV Spoilers] Does veilguard encourage class diversity like inquisition?
My little brother drew this and I think it could be a cool tattoo
How would this hold up?
Ogryn needs a sword.
Is this an infection? Swipe to see little over 2 weeks of healing
Is my tattoo infected?
Who do you feel is the best cqb combatant in all of 40k?
Darktide is leaving Xbox Gamepass
The "Heavy" Bolt Rifle Experience
Infected ? Allergic ?
Ever make a random "for fun" build that does more damage than you were expecting?
What's the most badass thing you've done that doesn't Include insane stats?
My 1,200 day Hardcore World
Has anyone experienced prolonged bruising after a tattoo? This is a month old now…
I just leveld from 29 to 63 in one second. Stronghold boss.