excuse me, do you have a moment to speak about our lord and saviour jesus christ?
League Test Scheme
Veteran difficulty HUD
Rate my loadout, returning to the hobby after a 10 year break
Test model painted up
WIP Converted Sludgeraker Basing
Custom Killaboss
Can't seem to get color scheme down
Color Scheme Help Needed
Color Scheme Help
A wishlist of things I would like to see released on AoS 4
"The Meat Wagon" and "The Trapper" aka Ogor's stealing everyones monsters
Should I get into Ogors
Which are you?
Progress on my Grimnyr
2 HQs finished
Kitbashed Talos and Cronos
Show me your cool Archons!
First finished model for my new army!
Stormfiends as Talos/Cronos proxies
First model done for my new Drukhari army!
Opinions on army scheme
Alright we had first mini's how about the mini you are most proud of?