My NBD Zinn 32er looks good against my 6'11 frame
As seen in the video, when in the top position, my knee moves from the outside towards the bike frame. Is this natural? Probably not.. if not, can I fix this by adjusting the cleats?
How does this general fit look? Getting a lot of pressure on my hands after only 15-20 miles.
What do you think guys, worth saving?
This one got me removed from the scammers call sheets
New frame day, I just can't stop looking at her!
Anyone gone the reverse of the typical trend of progressing to wider tires? In other words… maybe you were riding a 42-45mm tire and found a 38mm to better. Thoughts/reasons?
Ever since I found this subreddit I’ve been looking forward to being texted by a scammer! Finally!
90's MTB masters (1992)
Scammer Vs Fabulous Scammer
What is the strongest U-lock?
Considering My First Cycling Computer, Looking for Suggestions for a Good Stand Alone Unit
Headset won’t tighten even with a lot of torque on top cap- how should I fix this?
I have a question
Question for the bike builders of Reddit:
Cx50 brakes + typical post pads?
Bike recommendation
Gravel on a punk
My new-to-me budget Ti bike. Total cost around $700. How did I do?
original Independent Fabrications Planet X including the original tires! Steel is real, this thing is amazingly light and rides like a dream.
First time installing a new derailleur, won’t shift into the lowest cog.
Ritchey Swiss Cross alternatives?
I hate my new disc brake
Panniers for bikepacking and commuting
who loves dirt drops?