How is it possible that a stack of 7 motorized infantry beat 2 stacks of my tanks and mech infantry, is this guy hacking ?
Just…. How?
Paladin makes CoB upgrade easy work
Excess strength for armour should increase evasion.
Well that's a little annoying
Paladin abilities for upgrading chalice of blood?
Alright Everyone, What's the Most Satisfying Build for You?
Cleric rage
Never seen a sacrificial room like this before
How does the cleric enchants work?
Meet the gang
I have a couple items
Did I get scammed?
Hmm... I don't think it's enough
Strongest statue I've ever seen
Flash is that you?
Depth 16 and no artifacts yet. Unusual?
Does tengu have a damage cap?
The winner of Worst Subclass has been decided. It's Berserker! Next is Worst Enemy! Most upvoted comment is the winner. The results will be posted 24hrs from now!
How do you farm RoW?
Does the wand of regrowth have limited uses?
Crazy loot at floor 12.
I present you... the archer of throwing hands
But why?