What's The Most Disturbing Order You've Handled At Your FC?
Where can I pull keyed power? 2008 Tahoe
Did Amazon also brainwash you into thinking if you use this mental health resource, then you'll get TOT?
That time of year...
crashing out /:
Amazon operations manager salary?
Fuck this
What amount of money will you need to win in a lottery to quit your job?
This is your tax dollars literally going up in smoke 💨
Social Security ACTUALLY adds $0 to the Deficit & has $2T+ in Accumulated Surpluses
Dock worker dead at akc1
Over 9 attendance points
Just passed the interview for SMRT (tech3)
Kasumi should have been a romance option.
This was unnerving to see on my commute this morning
BFL1 fire
Piercing’s as a Tech II
Tobias Dorzon
You’re tellin me…