This baby just discovered that echo's are a thing.
This Olympic archers accuracy
Taking the packaging off of this fern
Haven't seen anything about the STJ since it was released. Literally just an STO.
Car Manufacturer tier list according to my amateur mechanic friends
New Cyrax bundle is hot garbage holy
Who on earth is genuinely using Fruit Kick in their songs??
What's this tiny blue car?
Valorant is not a skill-based shooter. It's a gambling simulator.
[unknown] Spotted this at my gym a while ago. Can anyone identify the car (I know the base is a Ferrari F12)?
Name a song or two you can’t stop listening too
Saw this on an intersection. Sorry for the angle
Somone help me.
I want valorant but I'm scared for getting hacked
1) Are the ATH *that* important so far? 2) Is there a toggle for the ATH/ a cursor to set it's transparancy?
Is it possible to "ease" between EQ settings? I want to create a weird effect that sounds like underwater before being normal again. I plan on doing this for a song intro or something. I animated a GIF to show what I mean. If the GIF doesn't work I'll send a Imgur link in the comments.
Hi all, I recently posted some of my tracks on LabelRadar and I got some responses and I started conversation with one label , now I would like to know is this like normal for them to charge things like this
[Volvo 1800SE] I found in my school with 2 parking tickets
How in the world are people so fast around a track?
Solo queue is 80% psychology, 20% aim.
Did the MC of Forza Horizon die at the end?
First time playing! Loving the game so far!
Can you PC players give a poor console player some tips at the game?
Classic is so much better than the Ghost
Tell me your #1 song on your spotify wrapped