Hubris is the greatest mistake you can make in a Nuzlocke. This isn't the aftermath of Ghetsis or Iris. It was Marlon who did this to my team. I had never previously even lost a Pokemon to him, and today he nearly wiped me.
Who do I bring?
Is Shelmet the most underrated Nuzlocke encounter of all time? (Shelmet analysis + comparison to Cofagrigus and Boldore)
Its your annual reminder that Kyubey is, in fact, evil
Ghetsis killed me on my first white run. Did i make a mistake with my team comp? What could I have done better? Thank you!
Just lost some team members grinding for the elite four, am i cooked?
The first ever Drawback Nuzlocke of FireRed is successful! Vaporeon was born with glass bones and paper skin, but it got to come to the Hall of Fame anyway. Gyarados was the only casualty to the Elite 4, and there were 10 deaths overall.
What’s my best option for Drayden?
The midgame of the FireRed drawback nuzlocke is finished (Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina). Although there haven't been many deaths, due to the drawbacks it's still a struggle to fill the team with usable Pokemon.
New Nuzlocke variant: "Drawback Nuzlocke"
First 2 gyms of the FireRed Drawback Nuzlocke is complete, plus the full list of 30 drawbacks. 3 deaths so far, Pidgeotto was disloyal so I had her die a warrior's death against Misty instead of betraying the team after.
Do i think correctly?
*Yaaaaaaawn* Hi
After several attempts over the years, I've finally beaten a hardcore nuzlocke of Black 1. My white whale has been hunted. Whimsicott very underrated.
Whitney was worse than I imagined (HG Nuzlocke)
Soul Silver, Trainer Red defeated. Final team + deaths.
Kramnik writes a poem for Hikaru Nakamura regarding his retirement
First Nuzlocke that I’m determined to not permanently abandon! Here’s my team immediately after beating Falkner. Hoping to post updates after every Gym (assuming I’m able to beat more)!
Could their dad have actually been right about Jimmy?
Soulsilver HC nuzlocke beaten! Last minute addition Weezing turned out to be an MVP.
There is no reason to have a funeral for a deceased relative
I just got crushed by Bugsy.
Am I screwed against Marshal?
[Hardcore rules, White] Who should come to the Pokemon League?
FIDE Statement regarding the “Freestyle Chess” project