12/13 Days until inZOI! What storylines are you planning?
How my Rover’s been looking since the fishing event began: (crappy doodle by yours truly)
i have a favorite direction, whats yours?
Do you Imagine Scenarios Relating to your special Interests while Listening to Music you Like?
shorekeeper's birthday gift (ART by: Are_A_R)
have you ever noticed phoebe is different on the launcher page
I'm loyal to one goober only
I am a resonator
Even the NPCs prefer Rover
What's a character you love to look at but don't like playing?
Helped her later
Finished my first Pleasantview round, off to Strangetown 🛸
Will my save vanish if I have to switch devices?
Anyone have an idea what’s causing this noise?
How do I go about playing the game while having a random fear of being chased?
Opinion on this?
The church of Bonkers Exterior is finished ^^ (u/LongLostSombrero’s sims cat)
WIP on the Church of Bonkers.
this wolf
Took a while (such a big house was intimidating lol) but here’s the floor plan and some screenshots ^^
What's an occult/lifestate you DON'T play with?
Silly cat name
This game is gorgeous - WIP
Welcome to the Interstellar Reparations Complex!