Need Help finding/confirming Javad Yasari’s Album Release Dates
When did Javad Yasari's albums actually release?
Looking for communist/socialist podcasts on geopolitics
Is Reading Capital Vol. 1 Necessary Before Lenin's Works?
Is The Communist Manifesto the Best Starting Point for Marxist Theory?
Question regarding ”A Companion To Marx's Capital” by David Harvey
Kendrick feature on ”Chains & Whips”???
How was Jimmy Carter involved in the Islamic Revolution in Iran?
How is the Kendrick VS Drake beef connected to the Pusha T VS Drake Beef?
The Feature
N.O.R.E was so wack for trying to make Danny relapse in Drink Champs
real recognize real
Why won’t the leftist 3rd parties merge?
Clipse - Birds Don't Sing (feat. John Legend) [Download]
Clipse - We Got It 4 Cheap Vol. 2
My contractor buddy worked with this guy. He got a nail gun to the head.
What do you think is the most OVERRATED JPEGMAFIA project?