Theory: Marty didn't have a problem with people calling him 'chicken' until the 2nd film.
What is the greatest one-liner in movie history?
Favourite tucker insult?
Day 8: Eve/Livia won fan-hated morally grey character (Najara was close behind). Finally, who is the fan-hated HORRIBLE person?
What do you want big finish to announce next for each doctor?
A boomer can't relate to women his own so he starts a relationship with a woman significantly younger than him
Sean Connery wins Best Actor - Round 6 : Best Bond girl
Chris Cornell (You Know My Name). What do you think of his theme song?
Any ideas?
What is the most terrifying movie scene of all time?
Who else misses going to the video store of an evening for movie night
Hey! I'm the guy behind Obscurest Vinyl. AMA
All time bad movie takes?
Breakup songs for when you're the one who fucked up
Age yourself
Age yourself...
What event from the past 10 years do you think will be most remembered in history textbooks 50 years or 100 years from now, and why?"
It's The Office Taboo! Describe the top word without using any of the other words:
For those of you have been to both America and Australia, what are some of the most significant differences you've noticed?
Your best mental gymnastics?
Which fictional Aussie tv character would you want to see on Survivor?
Evil Columbo
What movie did you find so disturbing that you never want to watch it again?
If Doctor Who had infinite budget, what wild and crazy things would you want to see?