I know this tank, it's Lesta's exclusive BZT-70 chinese heavy
H: 10 Leaders/5k Caps Per W: 4 OE Mods
H: 60 Leaders W: Super stims
H: 150 Leaders W: Pounder mod
H: 150 Leaders W: Pounder Mod
H: Leaders W: Mods in Desc.
H: 2 gat plas with calibrated, stinging and accelerated mods W: 50 leaders per
H: offers W: gp grolls
H: GP Stinging Core Mod W: 300 Leaders
H: Leaders W: x2 2* Luck, x4 Thru Hiker
H: 160 Leaders W: x2 2* Luck, x4 Thru Hiker Mods
H: Leaders W: x2 2* Luck, x5 Thru Hiker
H: 3 OE W: Offers
H: 260 Leaders W: x4 OE, x2 2* Luck, x3 2* END, x4 Sent Mods
H: 90 Leaders W: 3 Sent Mods
H: Leaders W: 5 OE’s mods
H:4*mods W:leaders
H: Overeaters, Swift 15fr, Vats Optimized, AA, bloodied, Vampire's and others W: **Endurance and **Luck armor mods
H: 150 Leaders ea W: Scanner's Mods
H: Propelling and Bruiser mods W: Leaders
H: 150 Leaders W: 5 Sent Mods