Reposting this so people can talk about it
(Image unrelated) comment on this post as if you were your least favourite character
is it weird that i like the early season 1 ep 1 - 2 artstyle?
My BFDIA cast tier list
My BFDI S1 Cast Tier List (And its ONLY S1)
The ending of the latest episode has an unexpected cliffhanger. Who actually Mario call? Could it be Marty?
And after we got 🅱️EN, we have Naily's real name.
Name a character that nobody likes
Can you remember who that is ?
Cartoon Network Cartoon Tournament 3#
Remember when BFB 12 got eliminated? Such tragedy...
Marker is eliminated, hoorayyy.. Anyways vote out your least favorite TSTOE'er
How one TPOT scene an have three different meanings. (An analysis)
But Cars have a garbage worldbuildi- THATS THE POINT, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO QUESTION IT !!!
Judge it by yourself.
Cartoon Network Cartoon Tournament 2#(+New Participant)
I highly recommend the show if you haven't seen it. It's an underrated gem that is hilarious for all ages.
Give me a Inanimate Insanity character and i’ll make a crash out line for them!
Give me a character and i’ll make a crash out line for them!
What's your i can't believe this happened in a kids cartoon moment
I don't hate TPOT Pencil for being mean. I hate TPOT Pencil for being out of character.
What is Goku for you? A tribute to a year without Toriyama (+Bônus)
Qual è una cosa che non sopportate della nostra generazione?
Pin in BFDIA 15-17 vs Pin in BFDIA 18
He went back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu