Leftism teaches us to hate our "nature"
A Warning for “Unique” Names
Thats in interesting way to go...
In the hospital with newborn- how would you pronounce “Levon”?
What is your fav name?(from the list)
If your child was named the name you were obsessed with when you were little, what would it be?
How quirky 🤪🤪/s
Thats a lot
When i see a doctor should i ask about FND?
Kids name suggestion
Got **him** pregnant
Love the inclusivity
How would you pronounce Louis?
Thoughts on using your first name for your child’s middle name?
What name were you going to be named?
Sweet potatoes?
Places that are also names
Boy name suggestions
Give me your dream baby names!
Whats a town/city name from the county you live that you would use for a child?
What is your Grandparents names ?