The M60 A.K.A. "The Pig"
We got an M249 and M240 video. Maybe one day we will get an M60 video
Or else what?
Eugene Stoner the man responsible for America's rifle
An American with a Shotgun. A combo so good they tried to make it a war crime.
When is Eugene Stoner getting a video?
For the 3D printing lovers out there
For the BRN lovers out there
Happy Saint Patrick's Day to Irish immigrants and those descendants of!
Benjamin L. Salomon, Medal of Honor recipient, Dentist, Bad Ass
God made man, but Samuel Colt made men equal
BBBRRRRRTT A10 WARTHOG Enters chat, dispensing monster can sized freedom at 3900 RPM
John Garand
The Super Soaker 50: The great equalizer of the American playground. Invented by NASA nuclear engineer Lonnie Johnson working on his hobby in the bathroom. A symbol of MURICAN ingenuity and defiance of king George. The last thing a nazi hears before death is the distinct sound of its pumping action
John Moses Browning, the greatest gun designer in American history.
#1 Air Force: U.S. Air Force - #2 Air Force: U.S. Navy - #4 Air Force: U.S. Army Aviation - #6 Air Force: U.S. Marine Corps Aviation
Me browsing r/MURICA
It never ends
Love our flag
It's true,and I'm tired of pretending
I’m gonna get it over this one
Testing the new 300 upper on my old SBR lower. CGS Hyperion K on the end, trying to decide on a light setup.
My very normal BRN180
The Canadian government has their priorities messed up as usual.