Hey Reddit, I tried doing the Cuphead idle animation while getting MAJOR kills in Chicalry II. How do you think I did?
This might be the best artwork I’ve ever seen.
Match SHOULD NOT end if an objective is active.
Knife Footwork and a Traitorous Agathian
Consant freezing and blue screen
Two warriors enter flow state in The Pit
What is your favorite character from the entire cuphead game/tv show?
I made a drawing inspired by the game
Instant Karma
Is there any better feeling?
Drop your usernames here
What is a boss you keep forgetting is in the game? I'll go first:
What’s y’alls chivalry hot takes?
Bee's Knees Duels Tournament Sneeze Preview. Comment below if you'd like to participate or spectate the event on August 24th, for an invitation. (youtube @BeSneeze)
Tell me a game franchise that in your opinion has no bad games.
Longsword and Footman is a decent advantage in a duel.
Imbalance/skill issue
Holy Shit catapult action
Free Roam?
What’s your Username? Upvote if you recognize someone. ⚔️
Volley is actually fun
When your buddy 'saves' you from the 1v3
Is there any way to deselect the tenosia maps when queuing?