Those of you exclusively pumping, when did you stop?
Are some babies bad at sleeping on their tummy?
In desperate need of help
Update: AITA for telling my husband his mom can't live with us for months-long stretches?
I’m done pumping and donating my stash
I'm at my wits end, this is my last try at figuring out my hair, please any help is appreciated
Sleep training crying is getting longer instead of shorter ugh
Found in a misc. box at the thrift store
We got nothing
I just learned that I have aphentasia
So, what did you build your babies out of?
I haven’t slept in almost a year and I’m a shell of a human being
When did you change to level 2 nipple size?
Expensive baby items worth it vs not ?
For people who already gave birth…
Everyone I’ve talked to has terrified me with their postpartum stories. Please please give me something a bit more encouraging 😅 33w + 99th percentile baby, no GD
Which lipstick looks the best?
What do people mean when they say “it’s just different down there” after birth
Chicken, Apple, ???
Convince me not to get a mockingbird stroller
Husband yelled at me as I wore our baby.
How I reduce clogs
lovely 😅
Worst early ultrasound experience :(