Worth it?
Sigma boy femboy wya
I tried to create this subreddit too lmao you beat me to it
I'm starting to see loss in everything
I remade the skin used by Marina
Ironman guilds for earlygame ironman
Be brutally honest
Mod for skyblock
Let's see those suggestions
My first shiny!!! How much is it worth?
how much are t11 and t12 sheep minnions worth?
Just dropped this, how much is it worth?
Just got fishing as my first ever fully maxed skill! Ask me anything
My first shiny! How much is it worth?
W/L trade (Kendrick)
Super new to this, do I take?
God fucking damnit... What now?
Fishing update mmm?
are there any downsides to having a minion set up like this?
what is better, giraffe or bee for earlygame ironman?
giraffe pet vs bee pet
Alpha Server Queue Speed