Learning the monster's attacks isn't the hard part, the monster hitting me is.
Didn't ask lil bro
I stood around holding a shield up to monsters so you dont have to (list of monsters capabale of Power Clashes)
In my opinion, it's just lazy that they don't... 😑
God forbid a girl have something going for them atleast
I've always been a simple guy
Alatreon Statue.
what is that?! it looks sick!!
Images of the Iceshard Cliffs taken from the official website. Those are metal wires and reinforced cement. (Remains of a very advanced civilization? If so, what destroyed it?)
Would you want hbg to have scope mod again?
just pause for even a second before running in, it's not that hard 😭
Can that actually happen?
I want to confess to my crush
Daruma doll temple
Are you blind mate?
Seeker Puts Corpsebloom Between Her Boobs (And It Jiggles !)
My Alma fanart (I like her a normal amount)
Legitimate question for any who played the beta:
There is currently a bug(?) that cause your character to become ugly when they hold a shield.
Need a price check on this collection
Do y'all use a trans themed wallpaper?
Help me help myself?
[OC] A not so objective categorization of weapons
Please Stop Cheating in Multiplayer Hunts