Silly Finx & Buni Meeple
Does anyone actually click here to go back to the Home Screen?
Remember the Edgar rework that never happened
Who are you going to vote for???
Why tf is there a cap to masteries points
Whats my insta fyp about
Never seen this cheat before
Don't forget to vote for Amber!
What's the right choice ?
Because everybody loved Infinite gadget modifier
Negative bajillion Gems
And that's the best case scenario (30s cooldown and no gear)
Don't forget to make the right vote people!
Infinite gadgets go brrrr
Name the amount of times you have been disappointed by these drops. I went through every drop to diamond and just got bling. Thank god they’re changing this when they rework Ranked cause it is not rewarding whatsoever.
Who would you go on a date with for Brawlentine?
Hear me out
Why you already hate on it?
big ass head
The performer or the twink?
This would be a cool QOL feature
What if Hank’s bubble was able to reveal enemies in bushes?
Yall with the new update information
I love good Randoms, no I mean the ones who are just nice