Police Report after car accident
Police Report for car accident
send me a picture of your dog?
Movie Recommendations from the Crew
What’s Your Favourite Arcade Game?
Thought of a better idea
Anyone know the 2023 finance or supply chain majors that are making $110,000+ right out of college? What did they do to get those jobs!?
Just Curious, How Long do Dobermans live?
What’s something crazy that happened to you recently in Boston?
Does anyone have a dynamic duo (or trio)
Honest thoughts of an international alumni on MSU, a year after graduation and moving out of EL.
Working at Crumbl
Every band has one: Day 7 - This (G)I-DLE song made me a fan
[Gucci Bezel Watch]
Gucci Bezel watch
Literally can't resist a sleeping Dobie - Drop yours 🐾
As a Michigander, I gotta call out AB. I recommend he takes a quiz I sent to Dan.
Parent Plus Loophole
This is Us s02
Beth is my favourite.
What is the best walking dead quote?
Let's show off our dobbys
Meme painting
Is this podcast making us dumb