Benjamin Harrison
Which President came closest to accomplishing everything he wanted?
Monica Lewinsky is significantly closer in age to Bill Clinton's daughter than his wife.
Why isn’t Martin Van Buren held in higher regard for his Post Presidential actions (i.e. radical abolitionism, free soil etc)
Clinton could have legally fingered Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, and Bush, before John Lennon died
Who would you put in your Mount Rushmore of Vice Presidents ?
In Back to the Future, Marty travels back in time from 1985 to 1955. If you traveled back the same amount of time from today, you would end up in 1995.
I saw it on Twitter Vol 9
Jimmy Carter in 1979 getting into his limo in nearly the exact same spot Reagan would be shot 2 years later
Who is he (wrong answers only)
I have seen people claim that Andrew Johnson’s presidency still negatively affects the United States till this day,but I just want to know, How does it still have a negative effect to this day ?
What should I name my horse as John it's a Male Ardennes, Bay Roan coat
How did Woodrow Wilson handle the Spanish Flu?
Ranking on Presidents biggest mistake
Darkviper’s ex
Generational change in Presidencies
Just found out that this meme is actually a political cartoon about Obama .
Who is he? (Wrong answers only)
How would the public have reacted to this, would it have hurt Bush in 88, and how would this have affected Reagan's legacy?
Ranking every President based on their last words
Barack Obama is not the first president to have a false birther theory spread about him. There were rumors that Chester Arthur was born in Canada, although he was really born in Vermont.
What opinion about Red Dead Redemption that will have you like this ?
What opinion about Red Dead Redemption that will have you like this?
What is your least favorite Presidential portrait?
LBJ with his grandson, 1971.