No words
Do we like SBS around here?
New ATF calendar- this is an inside joke right?
Damn Mark I just woke up
What's the deal?
AAC ex-SBR lower only - What to do with it?
Filled out two Form 1s and was hit with a fraudulent charge shortly after, If you've also done an eform lately it is probably worth a check.
Yes... multiple data points, pointing to the possibility that the US government is the gold mystery buyer.
[WTS] Spuhr grenade launcher sight, Trijicon RX30 Reflex
Samuel L. Jackson dressed as Uncle Sam at the Super Bowl LIX
Some of you prior service guys may get a kick out of this! Picked up some M855, won an auction on GB this week (sorry if I bid against you, had to have it)
Coining the term “Gucci Impractical”
Spent the crayon budget on a tax stamp
Quad x Aimpoint hype
[WTS] Vortex Razor Gen ii-E JM1 BDC MOA, Vortex Viper PST 6-24 EBR-1 MOA, Aimpoint Comp M4s, M1A magazines
Trump blames DEI.
Let it all burn?
MMW: July 4th 2025 Will Mark the End of democracy in the U.S. and the New U.S. Gov will be: Task Force 250
Trump got mogged
Days of Future Past
Gun Show pricing was comical as per usual 🥴 (SBA5 is $69 at ARDiscounts)
[WTS/WTT] Aimpoint Comp M5, Delton 20” complete upper, 14.5” Luth socom barrel/milspec upper, 14.5” gov upper, Unity acog Setup, Aero Clear Ano M4E1, Primary Arms SLX red dot, HRF Ramp, Gooseneck Mounts, Trijicon Acog Mount
Why is bad?
I'm stumped