Has anyone figured out lunch yet??
HOA bill
Where do y’all get cool polish in person?
Juggling Endo or chronic illness with law careers
Passive aggressive paralegal?
Combining finances with partner after marriage who plans to retire in mid-40s
Are chiropractors legit? I have seen conflicting data
Small town lawyer blues ... feeling beat down today
i have to ask: does anyone love their job, or do they suck it up?
Fired - after 1 week
I’m not doing well
Are women less lonely?
How do people that do not make much money afford to have kids?
Has anyone ever gotten anywhere with a defamation case?
He do yall deal with cuticles takin up a lot of your nails? Im new to this stuff.
Got a higher offer 3 days into remote job
Pushing through “off days”
New to nails?
Aggressive OC
Another Cheapo Amazon Wrap
anyone else unmarried, no kids, kinda miserable? how are you coping?
AITAH for withholding sex because my husband won’t get a vasectomy?
Ready for a snowstorm…
Pulled out L&F Ocean Sparkles to match my new bling!
Does this profession ever get better? (Plz)