Amazon is hiding the prorated refund option for Prime cancellations - here's how to still receive a refund regardless
Candy Corn is pretty good
What's your most divisive opinion about The Office that would make the rest of us look at you like this
Why do your friends typically hate when you’re doing well or finding success?
DAE have an internal map of their orientation in their surroundings that gets flipped around sometimes?
I've cancelled Amazon Prime
ELI5: Why can horses be domesticated but not zebras?
Biting into one of those plants that looks like a corn dog has a 50% chance of it becoming a corn dog
If the average person went back in time what would they be able to invent?
Yes, even the Girl Scouts are shrinkflating 😢🤬
What non-prime number looks the most "prime"?
Why is bar/20 a blunder? I am ahead in the race so why not run?
Mount Rushmore if you zoomed out
First time trying Everyplate - Box hasn't shipped yet?
Homemade pasta is bullshit
End game advice & cube doubling
How should Blue play 4-3?
Learning with an online game. Why cant I do these moves?
LPT Request: what were some of the best, seemingly miniscule quality of life upgrades you made in your life that had a big impact?
IT'S HABBENING!!!!!!!!!!