French Nail Stickers
Mirena IUD
Builder/structured gel flare at free edge- help 🥲
beetles tipex mma??
help anyone else (may be tmi)
Fire Ganja Liquid Diamond vape
South Kingstown RI in the 1930s
my auras are changing
To those who don’t drive
I wish it never happened
Damn catamenial
Opinions please
Treatment for seizures on period
I think my seizures are happening when my period starts.
Sleep problems even if meds work?
What are y'all's postictals and how long?
Did anyone else temporarily lose their memory after a seizure?
Catamenial epilepsy
catamenial epilepsy and vyvanse
Can I have magic mushrooms while being myoclonic epileptic?
Does anyone with catamenial epilepsy have a preferred way to take in progestin/progesterone