SFO Azhag campaign is cool af
0 unit army
To whoever is trying the new AI beta, what faction are you gonna play?
Wayne June, our beloved Ancestor has passed away
Two Arbaals
Am I losing it or is that Grom the Paunch's voice in the background?
Skulltaker's melee attack still drops due to terrain
Splash attack mod for co-op?
The worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever
Does Skulltaker have less mass on Kuhl'tyran?
A silly sketch I did of D'arce in gambeson and eyeglasses- mind the NTR bait dialogue
Armies retreating from Besieged cities now?
What is the Detachment From Death staff's power level??
Kibellah romance help
What did you think the “high momentum” voice message was when you first heard it?
Didn't know Raging chain can miss lol
Bladedancer Arch-Militant
Any reason why Tamurkhan can't move/attack here?
Desyncing in multiplayer
Will I still get paid for this?
A major issue with the campaign AI now is that, at random, some factions seem to become completely unable to do anything; 100% lethargic the whole campaign.
alright guys tell me how good the new update is. i'll be finding out for meself next year
Oh no
Theres a Master Ranked A. Belial who may have hacked his way to the top