When Worlds Collide! #FedUp
Yeah I’m that guy…
Happy Black Friday!
Preload to TCD
How screwed am I…?
Question regarding transferring centers as a TCD
“There shouldn’t be too much going out today”
Question regarding TCD’s
Does a 34 hour reset apply to Preload for Monday morning?
Deoxys now adding 10
DEOXYS RAID 0688 5185 9823
yveltal 5753 1511 3067
Yveltal on me. 3860 9044 5902
Yveltal on me, add 1075 1334 2883
Yveltal raid! 3656 2174 3450
Yveltal on me (+5). 4460 7229 2106
Weather boosted Xerneas. Add and please show online. 5816 1073 0256
9549 5814 8542
Xerneas raid on me 0086 7711 1492
Xerneas 9633 4667 4254 or 6911 7075 6481
Mega Venusaur 2351 0999 1186
Xerneas 3484 4246 5550