Probably the funniest dance he’s done - you could tell he was tired half way through and the song just kept going 😂😂
He shouted us out
Talks about being a man
No words
He loves to make up stories to make himself look good
End of live 2
How do we feel about JT?
Says he’s got the power to take down these reddits. What he doesn’t know is we have enough people to make a new one who won’t delete because he says so
I found the video of eebj at the convenience store with psychosis right before the cops got him.
End of live 3 with his nasty screenshot
End of live 1
“I’m not going to waste my time on the haters/drama”. Proceeds to make his entire live over the drama
So Emil is the one who approves of this Reddit being up 😂😂
Is she supposed to scare us?
If I started singing and I sent it that bad, I would immediately stop
Perfume and Adolf Hitler