If you sleep naked, when you get up for a glass of water, do you put on clothes?
Tak všetkým deviatakom veľa šťastia na zajtra;)
Čo s dílerom trávy vo vchode
oslovit ci neoslovit babu rano?
Som za zrušenie modrého koníka.
Používajú sa vo vašom regióne ešte nárečia?
otázka pre HR špecialistov
Chalani, ktorí hladajú sex na každom rohu
Aky typ osobnosti neznesiete?
Who do you want out of the NPC jail the most? I'd love a playable Zeus.
Help with research
They are finally in the game!
If Subverse is the first AAA porn game then what else is in its league?
If you could pick a celebrity to narrate your life, who would you choose?
She’s Back Again
My coolest Stormbringer so far
Podvodné sms
Why are women uncomfortable (or refuse) to date virgin men
Pretty privilege
What uncommon things or characteristics are a dealbreaker for you in a relationship?
Kantýna znalců - kterou prasárničku si dávate k jídlu, kterou by nikdo jiný nemohl pozřít?
What character is this for you?
What the hell is up with "underage content detected"?
I hate introducing emails with "Dear _____"
I feel like an idiot for exmplaining things wrong during my lesson