victimized by a red unit 💔
Characters Ranked by How Much I Like Them
Update on the god rank grind
When is he coming back?
Should I change bench?
i love this game
Who was your first Lf
Should I try for god rank?
chat is this a youtuber or just a normal player
Show you're first pvp team ever....I'll go first
I got guldo
How on earth are you losing to my team dawg 😭🙏
Which one are you
Have you accepted Zamasu as your lord and savior?
No freaking way
I'm considering ripping my head off
Sir you know you can get your daiku to at least Z4 right?
Did he beat the allegations?
Someone build me a team please
Most stressful match I’ve had
All those stars for nothing
Don’t think he expected to come across this team