could someone tell me what bug is this?
Viper for Dummies - BIND Cross-map mollys + Infographics and clips
Finally got the chance to use lineups and it was HYPE
We should be able to request a skin (2 months waiting a skin)
Every Viper's dream LMAO
Sova Recon Bolt vs. Viper Ult Interaction
Sova Recon Bolt vs. Viper's Pit Interaction
Sova Dart vs. Viper Ult (Nearsighted?)
SHEEEEEEEEEESH (Had to grab clip from teammate bc I didn't record) 1v5 ace
New to Valorant and I've only played Viper she's awesome | 1v5 Ace
How to remove "IME Hangul/English Toggle" in Windows 10?
I propose: offtv among us irl
"I just walked there wtf"
Lissandra base fight pentakill (yes we won)
Twitch adc doesn't get to play the game
Bunny/Fluff Eyebrows with freckles! (Orange, Pink, Red, Green)
Celeste watches the sky with you!
The daycare is open! Send your villagers!
Looking for!! Anyone know the design for eyebrows and freckles (or something similar to this)?
I found money island for the first time!!
No one: Absolutely no one: Michael:
OfflineTV shock circle?? :eyes:
Omg no way!! Wow that crazy who would’ve thought ?!
I forgot I had a reddit