Player Faction fighting alongside Tech Hunters after discovering gunpowder
After almost two years of procrastination, I finally read The Golden Rose, and can only say
Ruin and Bunny meet Feather
What is your best roleplay scenario?
Helmet kenshi vibes
More of my Kenshi lads, mostly wearing hakama
Which character in the Infinity series do you hate the most?
Katarina d'al Cazarosta FANART
Lady Arlina Sarleth, my noble lady for The War for the West
Being a National Hero Royalist
I am a mature Dragoon officer, I am mature Dragoon officer....
Whats the first game uve ever played
Kom Süsser Tod (t/w suicidic ideations)
Arlan d'al Castillo, from youthful Cornet to a Disgraced Soldier/ National Hero and Liutenant Coronel
My first thought when the scene came up (Sabres)
It's Always Sunny in Aetoria
4 page preview and covers for Transformers #17 (Skybound)
Alternate universe memes where Transformers got a hero shooter
i found a picrew with transformers related stuff with it and made an oc, meet Lipbite! (yes that is her name lol)
when the dragoon officer has 100% charisma
First modded Game in Kenshi, and also my first here in Reddit, hope I make a not so bad impression.