Fresh laundry
What is a tv show you think everyone forgot about ?
What is your go-to first word in Wordle?
Need a Gripping True Crime Documentary
What is the disturbing backstory behind something that is widely considered wholesome?
Our new bb chihuahua puppy! She’s 8 weeks old…Name Suggestions?
What’s something you see many people do, that you’ll never do?
Just started watching Superstore and I'm halfway through Season 1. It's giving me the Brooklyn Nine-Nine vibes that I've missed for a long time.
What's your favorite childhood snack?
What’s the first song you remember as being your favorite song (even if it is no longer your favorite)?
What screams early 2000s?
This grocery store has free samples of vitamins for morning sickness
What companies gave you such bad customer service that you will never give them a dime again?
If your name had to be based on the last thing you ate, what would people be calling you?
Control Arm Broke!
Is there a sub for the opposite of tucked in??
First dog, first pug next Thursday. What are your must have item four your little guy?
Well… I got pooped on by a bird at Animal Kingdom. They said it was good luck?
What's something that isn't therapy, but feels like therapy?
~6 weeks old, does anyone have a clue what Breed he is? My vet couldn't tell me.
This little guy is 8 weeks old. The shelter called him Oso, and I'm not 100% sold on that name
Turn the comments into his search history.
Cloe's dental imprint.
What’s your all time favourite comedy movie? I’ll start.
Ornament Hail Mary