Is story in TWWH1 what we want as narrative campaign in TWWH3?
When talking about narrative content in TW:WH, what do you mean by it?
Is anyone else holding off on starting a new campaign until the new AI drops?
I went back to my Swedish Empire and after getting all economic upgrades, I raised taxes to max, destroyed every happiness granting building, and just passively watched as civilization fell apart. Some interesting results
Anyone else hate declaring war, even though the games are 'TOTAL WAR'? I mostly just fear being crushed instantly by superior AI forces before my economy can support as good as forces as them. Or causing a massive reprisal by their allies.
To the Swedish guy saying my Danish empire gave them nightmares, I give you: 100% total Swedish domination. Sweden is the only country
So, you want an alliance with the Skaven?
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
Now that's an offer
Grand Cathay End Goals?
Tamurkhan will always be there for you
With all discussions about OP stuff, let's not forget true king of cheese
Proudest win in my TW career
Since when have replays not been replays?
"Y'all need Sotek!" is probably my favorite joke reply on this sub, even if isn't as popular (or perhaps *because* it isn't as popular) as some other ones
It has never been harder to get ranged units to fire
TIL that you can move the reinforcement marker
How many heroes do you typically embed in your army?
Do you care about no more RoC content?
Yet another rant about event weekly quest.
Omens of Destruction: where are the "resources shifted towards IE"? Is this the new standard?
Why is my Black Orc Big Boss named "Jenkins"?
Lost Total War Technology
If Estalia and Tilea were added to the game, realistically how could they designed so they're unique and not just "Empire but worse"?