Lyme disease made my face asymmetric and ugly
Hvordan er kvelden deres?
🕊️Messages from loved ones🕊️
Seeing repeating numbers all the time and my life just keep going more to shit all the time
Negative and positive cards same time?
Is my Cane Corso eyes normal?
There are plenty of synchronicities related to violent deaths. Just keep that in mind before believing certain explanations for the phenomenon.
Opplevelser med helsevesenet blant brukere av rusmidler
what is this I don’t know what stage it is even I’ll post can some please tell me if they have seen or know what they are?
Warts on Cane Corso
Is your username chosen or generated?
This Sounds Dumb But I Get Winded While Talking…
free one card readings✨
Being chronically ill ruined my relationship
Things seemingly flying out of hands/poor grip
Free reading
Beste land å flytte til på Ung Ufør.
What time did you feel like you regretted doing something but it helped in the long run?
When was the time you actually felt like you won?
What’s a really scary fact people need to know more about?
What is the worst thing a teacher has done to you?
What's a moment where someone offended you but you were forced to stay silent because someone stopped you from saying anything?
Chronic diseases misdiagnosed as psychosomatic can lead to long term damage to physical and mental wellbeing, study finds
Is this Scabies or something else?